The Kaptain on … stuff

Posts Tagged ‘wordpress

31 Mar, 2009

WordPress app for the iPhone comes through!

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Cool Toys

I blogged awhile back about the WordPress iPhone app, and how the tiny portrait keyboard was just killing me. Well they’ve gone ahead and added a landscape mode and it is just GREAT! I look forward to drafting posts on it when the inspiration strikes. A couple of minor hiccups, however. Upgrading the previous install […]

07 Mar, 2009

An app for everything

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Cool Toys

So thanks to the free WordPress app, I can even blog from my iPhone. Now, if only it had a landscape mode keyboard so my fat little fingers stood a chance. Whoops, spoke too soon – looks like they’re testing the new version, complete with landscape mode, as we speak. I look forward to seeing […]

05 Jan, 2009

Hello world!

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Uncategorized

Finally had a bit of a chance to play around with WordPress and thought it was time to get around to finally posting something. I’ve installed a bunch of plugins, thanks to this post. It’s been stupidly easy to get set up and working; it reminds me of working in Confluence, except it’s much prettier. […]
