The Kaptain on … stuff

Posts Tagged ‘Application programming interface

02 Jun, 2010

A Grails App Demoing the StackExchange API

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Development

So I was making an attempt to catch up on my Google Reader‘ing this weekend and I came across this post on StackOverflow regarding the shiny new StackExchange API. That and a fresh 1.3.1 drop of Grails seemed like as good a reason as any to hack together a little app suitable for seeing what […]

I read an interesting article recently about using python and open source software to defeat a particular captcha implementation and I set out to see how hard it would be to do the same in Groovy. In particular, coming from the Java side of the fence, I was impressed by how the available libraries in […]

And even more important perhaps, the “developer APIs” they’re hinting at. There seems to be a lot of talk about this being the next ‘Google-killer’, but that really doesn’t seem to be the point of this service. My personal interpretation of the new Wolfram|Alpha service – this is the Mathematica guys showing off, and I […]