The Kaptain on … stuff

16 Jul, 2009

Presenting a Groovy/Griffon talk

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Development

I’ve been asked by my friend and co-worker Manfred Moser to give a presentation at next month’s Vancouver Island Java user’s group meeting, and silly me I said yes before remembering that speaking in front of people always makes me feel quesy and light-headed. Thanks Manfred for the kind invitation; I’ll do my best to make it a good show.

No sooner had Manfred let loose a message on the Tweetosphere than Andres Almiray very graciously offered up some free copies of the upcoming book Griffon in Action to give away at the meeting. Thanks for that Andres!

The company I work for, Genologics, also gave me permission to publish a presentation that I gave recently at work as a Groovy primer for other members of the development staff. Thanks for that Cliff!

I demonstrated some code in SwingPad and created an application using a GMaven archetype to show off some of the sweetness that Groovy adds to the Java toolbox. It’s worth noting that even though that page doesn’t say it, GMaven recently released a 1.0 final verison(NICE!)

I’ve attached the presentation and some of the source code examples for anyone who might be interested, including the maven project that contains a variety of MOP, builder and GDK extension samples.







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