The Kaptain on … stuff

Archive for July, 2009

26 Jul, 2009

StreamingMarkupBuilder for Groovy-er xml

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Development

Been having an awful lot of fun lately playing with the Groovy StreamingMarkupBuilder. I’m not a big fan of xml in general, but it’s definitely got its uses(configuration and web service data interchange to name just a couple). StreamingMarkBuilder makes it really very painless to create complex xml structures without a whole lot of hassle. […]

22 Jul, 2009

I am a Procedural Programmer

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Development

I had occasion today to reflect on what I’ve learned in the last few years developing software and it occured to me, not much has really changed since I first struggled with Lisp and Scheme in university. I still don’t completely “get” functional programming! Wrapping my head around all those brackets in any derivative of […]

16 Jul, 2009

Presenting a Groovy/Griffon talk

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Development

I’ve been asked by my friend and co-worker Manfred Moser to give a presentation at next month’s Vancouver Island Java user’s group meeting, and silly me I said yes before remembering that speaking in front of people always makes me feel quesy and light-headed. Thanks Manfred for the kind invitation; I’ll do my best to […]

16 Jul, 2009

Going old school – Apache Camel mailing lists ftw!

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Development

I’ve been learning a lot about Apache Camel at work recently and am so very glad that I signed up for the mailing list a couple of weeks back. Was scratching my head recently about why my headers were mysteriously disappearing from some messages and fortunately I read the mailing list before deep diving into […]

05 Jul, 2009

iPhone 3.0 and Bluetooth Stereo

Posted by: TheKaptain In: Cool Toys

One of the unexpected benefits of the recent 3.0 update to ithe Phone/iTouch operating system is the rebirth of my Motorola S9 bluetooth headset. I originally bought a pair of these on special from ($19.99 as I recall) to use with a MacBook Pro and they were pretty hit and miss – I eventually […]